Once the center-line of the partition path is marked on both the floor & ceiling the second stage begins by laying down the channels on these marks.
It is important to ensure straight and accurate lines are maintained as well as correct angles (90°, 120° & 135°).
It is recommended to start with the ceiling track, and always at a corner, where one places a corner channel and “grows” out of it with the necessary supplied floor mounting pieces placed in the channels.
It is important to measure the exact distance necessary to cover the distance between two corner channels or until a door-way passage which will remain “free” of a floor channel. Key Measurements should be noted when doing so:
When ceiling channels are in place it is important to:
Positioning of floor channels will require the placement of the corner post. Please note that Posts and corner posts are directional (the underside is not perforated to the end). Make sure the top side is placed into the ceiling corner channels.
When all corner posts are up and leveled ALL planes, the placement of the floor channels takes place. Using the proper hardware appropriate for the floor type, all floor channels are placed and aligned with the use of the same channel alignment brackets.